Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pat's / Colts Game

As a Patriots fan I've been asked this over and over the last couple days:

"What'd you think of the call"?

Honestly, I liked it and was all for it when they went back out on the field. Didn't work out, but I liked the cojones going for it... As Belichick said, he's out there to win, not worry about what other people think.

I thought this, and other similar write ups, conveyed my feelings:

It was a great, entertaining game to watch, and it lived up to the "hype" (which most supposed big games don't). Even if New England won this, I still didn't think they'd overtake the Colts for home field in the playoffs (Pat's still have to go to New Orleans for a Monday night game and basically the Colts play no one the rest of the year), so I really didn't feel the game had much playoff location implications.... (CORRECTION - The Colt's go on the road this week at Baltimore and that will be tough. But beyond this game, I don't feel they'll be challenged).

Ask any Colts fan how they felt after they stopped New England after the 3rd down play. They'll tell you they were thrilled to get the ball back with 2 minutes and all 3 time outs left. Distance wouldn't have made much difference, they felt at that point they were going to score and win. Bottom line, so did Belichick, so he went for it.

Anyway, check out the article by David Whitley for a good write up of the statistics of going or not going for it in that situation.

Finally, no matter who won the game, there's still a good likely hood they're going to face each other in the playoffs at Lucas Oil Field. We'll see how the second game comes out!


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