Just some random things on my mind with Christmas coming up:
- 49ers - I was impressed with their defense last night against Pittsburgh. Better than I thought and they're going to be a tough out in the playoffs. Difference between Alex Smith and top QB's in league (Rodgers, Brady, Bree's) is accuracy. He missed a lot of open receivers when he was just sitting still in pocket. Those others don't miss those throws. It'll be their downfall in playoffs.
- Packers - Is there a "book" out on how to beat them now? I didn't see Packers/Chiefs game and was surprised to see Chiefs shut them down. Tho not surprising as Crennel is a heck of a D coordinator.
- Tebow - I don't know if Tebow is the long term QB in Denver, but he's going to be in this league for a while. Lots of worse QB's around, someone will want him as their Quarterback. He generates interest and brings media and fans to the games. 30 teams in NFL and lets face it, 15 or so have a realistic shot at winning the Super Bowl. Other 15 want to be competitive and make money. He'll do that for you.
- Yu Mania - Hopefully the contract with Rangers gets worked out, I'm excited to watch him pitch. Should be a nice rivalry between Rangers and Angels over the next few years. Barring injuries to main players, both should win somewhere in the 90's and compete for ALCS for awhile. Hopefully rivalry will generate same Yankees/Red Sox interest.
- Pujols - I like the Angels signing him. Their revenue stream is going up so they can add payroll. Yes they'll end up eating salary the last few years, so realistically they've got to be successful in the next 6 years to make this deal pay off. My barometer for them to be a "good signing" is at least 1 WS Championship and 3 ALCS appearances. I compare this signing to the Red Sox / Manny Ramirez signing in 00 (for 01 season). 8 years/$160 million. RS won 2 World Series titles with Manny. Was it worth it? Absolutely. They more than made their money back. Lets see if the Angels can do the same.
- Tommy John Injury- "He's a horse", "Big and Strong". Always kills me when I hear "media" people talking about certain pitchers and the likely hood of them coming down with an arm injury. Just because a guy is 6'7", 250 pounds and "strong", has nothing to do with the ligaments and tendons in his throwing arm and whether the guy will break down. NOTHING. Those ligaments and tendons are not stronger and bigger. Whether a guy is the aforementioned one or 5'10", 185 pounds, his likely hood of coming down with an arm injury has to do with throwing mechanics and the "load" on his elbow and shoulder. Not how big and strong he is. Kind of like the whole steroid misconception in baseball. Taking steroids doesn't make you bigger and stronger (players weren't sitting on their sofa's at home popping steroids and eating potato chips and getting stronger). Taking steroids allowed their muscles to recover quicker allowing players to work out harder and more frequently (which in turn allowed them to get stronger and recover from injuries quicker).
- Joe O'Brien - I'm waiting to hear about the other side to this story from St. Joe's as there are always 2 sides to every story. Sure does seem strange though. Unless Martelli has a real good reason, I hope they run him out of town.
- NBA - I'm still not real interested in the NBA starting up in a few days, but I'm sure I'll be sucked in once it gets going. I'll be interested in watching the Clippers and I hope the Lakers don't eventually get Dwight Howard. Beyond that, whatever.....
- NFL in LA - I've said for years now I thought it will be Jacksonville that eventually moves to LA, however I'm now backing off that. With them being sold, new owner has gone on record saying he won't move them and on top of it, they would have to pay a high price to get out of their lease in Jacksonville (though it could be done). Though the popular opinion has been the Chargers moving to LA, I still don't see that. They have a great deal in San Diego even without a new stadium. Eventually the stadium will get done. Spanos is holding it over their heads threatening to move, but I don't think he really wants to. The city pays him for a full sell out whether they sell out or not, so he's making money. My new hope for an NFL team in LA is the St. Louis Rams. They have an out in their stadium lease, new owners (who for the record also said they wouldn't move when they bought) who don't have a connection to St. Louis and a history of the Rams being in LA. Seems to make sense. St. Louis "stole" the Rams from Los Angeles, so how much complaining can be done when we steal them back? I want a downtown stadium and I want this to happen in my life time.
Merry Christmas,
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