New Helmet To Protect Pitchers
I'm sorry, but I think we're carrying safety concerns to far. If you're worried about getting hit in the head, maybe you shouldn't be a pitcher or play baseball?
I understand the concern, and yes, every now and then a ball has struck a pitcher but there are risks in everything we do in life. Don't ride in a car, fly in an airplane, climb a mountain, etc... All dangerous, yet things people do every day. If you're that worried about getting hit in the head, don't pitch. It's pretty simple...
Yes it was a horrible accident when the Sandberg boy got hit in the head, and I'm glad to hear he's doing well now, but he knew the risks when he took the mound. Baseball has been played for 120 years and no pitcher has ever died by a ball striking them in the head. Some have been hurt and it is dangerous out there but again, that's the risk you take.
A youth player learning the game and how to defend himself? Fine, allow it for them, but once you get to high school, cut the cord parents and let them decide whether they want to risk it or not.
What do you think?
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