I've never understood the criticism he gets for being good at his job. He's an agent. His job is to get his client the best contract he can. Apparently he outworks other agents and goes above and beyond in representing his clients. At any time his client could say "no, I don't want to go there", or "I want a better deal" and Boras goes out and tries to do that.
As he's said, he doesn't write the checks, he only goes in and talks to the owners (or GM's) about his client and what and why they're asking for the deal they are..... It's out of his hands at that point.
What's wrong with that?
While I'm on baseball, here's another item I keep seeing which drives me crazy. I keep reading and hearing about "fans" saying they're sick of seeing the Yankee's and Red Sox buy everyone.... Other than Manny Ramirez (7/8 years ago) and Dice K, who has Boston "bought" that they out bid people for? They traded for Josh Beckett (and gave up Hanley Ramirez and took on a large Mike Lowell contract). They signed JD Drew when the Dodgers decided he wasn't worth the money and they signed Curt Shilling (however they didn't outbid for him, actually they had to fly down to Arizona over Thanksgiving and talk him into taking their contract as he had multiple competing offers). Pedro Martinez? They traded two top minor league pitchers to get him (Carl Pavano and Tony Armas Jr.). They are not the Yankee's (and believe me, I'm not knocking the Yankee's for running their team the way they do), their payroll this past year was about $80 million lower than the Yankee's along with also being lower than the Mets and Cubs. They are not out "buying" everyone. A good portion of their team is home grown and they made some smart deals to bring in players, but they certainly haven't gone out and "bought" everyone. Yes they've bought a few just like the Met's, Cubs, Angels and others have done, but they're not the ones breaking the bank.
Anyway, just had to rant on that.
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