Wednesday, August 05, 2009

5 Things I think I think

1) Michael Vick Should Be Reinstated - What he did was horrible and he deserved the jail sentence he got. However he served his time and paid his penalty. He should be given a second chance. I hope to hell it's not with my team but I'd have no issue with him when he resigns. My only hope is he does some speaking (either on tv or in person) on humane care for canines.

2) Steroids - Release the list of 104 and be done with this. Maybe it's unfair to the other people on the list who were told it was anonymous, but this "witch hunt" of the names that have come out is not right. They were all wrong for doing what they did, but the sooner all this comes to light, the sooner we can be over this.

3) UFC 101 - I'm fired up for the fights this weekend. Anderson Silva / Forrest Griffin is going to be real interesting. Griffin is bigger and stronger than Silva with Silva more talented.... I like both guys but I'd love for Griffin to pull it out. Why? I'm not sure..... I fully expect Florian to come out hard against BJ Penn, but see Penn overwhelming him. Griffin by decision, Penn 2:30 by submission in round 1.

4) NFL Training Camps - Holds zero interest for me....... Yes, I know, it's the time to follow the rookies and new free agents, but I'm sure most of us could go through all the teams and select 95% of the starters..... Once the regular season starts I'm there, but don't bore me with these training camp stories.

5) Tour De France - Is that borefest over yet? I suppose it's like every other sport, you have to do it in order to appreciate it, but I just have no interest in following that... It's steroid issues are bigger than baseball, football and the East German Womans Swim Team combined. I realize there are strategies involved and such, but isn't it similar to a marathon where the most physically and mentally prepared person will win?? Why aren't other bicycling tours hyped like Frances? What makes this one a bigger international draw than say one that takes place in Italy or somewhere else? If it wasn't for all the steroid issues would anyone even care if this takes place?? I probably wouldn't...


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